The plan to publish this journal emanated basically from the desire to ensure press freedom and improve the quality of journalism in the less developed parts of the world. Establishing press freedom calls for consistent campaign and awareness building in favour of the freedom of expression, while improving the quality of journalism requires creation of opportunities for learning.
The journal aims to offer resources for learning through dissemination of information, experiences and research works on media and journalism, besides stimulating campaign and advocacy activities to establish media rights.
The journal, the first such on the third world, also intends to identify the potentials of the media to support initiatives for establishing peace, prosperity and development.
The journal aims at bridging the gap between the media practitioners and researchers to facilitate exchanges of ideas, information and experiences for their mutual benefit and for the benefit of the media as a whole. Our effort will succeed if it leads to an effective networking among the media personnel, media organisations and media researchers to facilitate interactions at a larger scale.
Copyright © 2004 Third World Media Journal A Quarterly Publication of Third World Media Network (TWMN)